Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hat trick! 3 posts in one night. And the start of a new 7 years tradition.

Here at 7 years, I plan on having tribute posts for my commenters. They mean that much to me.

First up: Dr.J

What can I say? A liberal, intelligent D.O. student? I mean, does it get better than that? Yes. It does. A liberal, intelligent D.O. student that has a farm, cooks like a mad woman, and still finds more time to do great things during medical school than anyone else I know. You should see this woman's Macbook calender. Holy crap.

Well, because this is an anonymous blog of sorts and because I don't have any video of you anyhow, I am posting a great video of a another tall minority that shares your name. Dr. J.

so, get an alias and start commenting so that you too, can be featured here on 7 years. (anon comments suck)


ps. please do scroll down for more interesting posts from tonight below including a librarian scandal!


Anonymous said...

7 years: You have made my week! I think I need a soundtrack like that in my life (I think I also need to work on my dunks...I'll put that into my MacBook Calendar)
Dr. J

Anonymous said...

(Following 7 yrs' hat trick - my second comment of the day)
Sometimes being medical school feels like going to the theatre - here we sit whilst the actors strut and pontificate on their stage. Some of our professors are phenomenal - truly great minds in their fields with years of research and experience supporting their teachings - but others seem to use the teaching opportunity to either 1.) convince 120 (mostly inexperienced) future doctors of their opinions, or 2.) convince themselves that they are a superlative in their field. Sometimes it's hard to know what information we should allow to roll right off our back and what we should absorb, rapt, and without question. Or should we question everything?