Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gotta Love the Gimme's

On the respiratory exam last Wednesday:

What cancer has the highest mortality rate in the United States?

A. Colon
B. Lung
C. Breast
D. Prostate
E. Bone

Ummm. Give me a break! Not only is this a common factoid but we are in the fricken' respiratory system exam! LUNG, LUNG, LUNG!
Give me that point.


...some b.s. question about what gene on what chromosome is the mutation that causes cystic fibrosis....

Nervous, Muscloskeletal, Psych, and now Respiratory exams down! We pack in Heme next and then I will be 1.5 yrs through medschool. What up!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

you go on my blog running your mouth about the lack of posting and you rarely post anymore... lame. Hope you had a good holiday, we did a little east coast climbing tour.

7 years said...

anon, aka pmk hater,
Maybe you would like to check out my next post...written just a day later than the previous biatch!