Wednesday, August 20, 2008


That did not last long as suspected.

Sad, but the child was likely to be brain dead....

sort of like the leaders of this country.

I can't believe these people are suppose to represent me. Why is it that we are so driven to put up walls, boundaries, defense systems? Answer: Fear. Inherent weakness and fear. A lack of depth in our communal abilities to think. To suppress and reason through our fears. The more walls we build, the more others have a reason to try and bring them down.

Now, we have signed a deal to put up a missile defense system in Poland. For what? So we can go to war with Russia? Great, lets ruin relations with Russia over prophylactic, unnecessary, violent and costly weapon systems. That way, when they get pissed we can actually have a reason to use them.

news link

Like we would allow a new missile system 120 miles from our border? Of course Russia has the right to question this.

I am against it all. Lets find the biggest god damn hippy and get him/her in office ASAP.

Peace. Those that don't feel it are the fearful ones.

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