Saturday, December 13, 2008

NPR is doing it up this week: a 2 min blurb about enjoying time as it passes.

Awoke to the house of no power and 45 degree air.

Rolled out of bed. Grumpally (my word) said goodbye to the lady, my sister, and her boyfriend who stayed over and headed out to study somewhere warm.

I was sort of rushing as I did not get anything much done yesterday and Hematology is haunting me right now. That is when this nice little blurb about slowing down, being patient, and enjoying time as it passes came on the radio.

How fitting. It changed my perspective on the morning and I had a nice drive not caring about the grandma in front of me driving 5 miles below the speed limit.

Listen to it. It will help during the holidays! This guy must be amazing to hang out with...

CLICK HERE!!! and breathe!

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